
Data File: Statics<n>.mul
Index File: StaIdx<n>.mul


List Items[length / 7]:
   short TileID;
   byte X; // Ranges from 0 to 7
   byte Y; // Ranges from 0 to 7
   sbyte Z;
   short Unknown; // At one point this was the hue, but doesn't appear to be used anymore

The list needs to be sorted.
To find the index of a certain block, you need to know the map height.
- For Statics0.mul, the block width and height is 768x512.
- For Statics2.mul, it's 288x200.

So, you seek in the index file:
((XBlock * BlockHeight) + YBlock) * 12

See Also:
 - Maps
 - Radar Colors